Yankee Gathering


S.A.M. Magic Center




Los Angeles Conference

On Magic History (2011)

Hudson River Museum (2012)

Yankee Gathering




August 2008

Thurston with family and friends...


Here is a very important photo of Howard Thurston with family and friends.  Howard is in the center of the photo with his daughter Jane and his wife Leotha sitting in the chair.

To Howard Thurston's right in the photo, (as some people might recognize) is Charles Fulton Oursler, and Thomas C. Worthington, Jr. arch Demon of the Demon Club of Baltimore.  Both of these gentleman were very close friends of Thurston and his family.  To find out more information about Charles Fulton Oursler CLICK HERE or CLICK HERE.

The gentleman to the left of Howard Thurston is Albert E. Bogdon who was also a friend of Howard Thurston's and was a house guest of Thurston's back in the day.

Shown below is an article from the September 1915, "The Sphinx" Magazine.  The story behind the photo shown above is described in the article.

Now the reason I particularly like this photo is because there are so many "celebrities" in the world of Thurston in this photo including Albert E. Bogdon.  Albert E. Bogdon's grandson

Mr. Bob Harned is a great friend of mine and probably one of the nicest guys you could ever meet!

Shown below, Mr. Bob Harned visiting my collection.

(Bob Harned stands in front of a Thurston 1914 8 Sheet Strobridge Portrait.) (Bob Harned and Rory Feldman stand in front of a Thurston 1914 8 Sheet Strobridge Portrait.)

You can also see Mr. Bob Harned in the Visitors To The Collection Section.

To find out more information about Bob Harned PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Copyright 2008 Rory Feldman Productions

Images Of This Thurston Item Of The Month Are From The TRFC And Cannot Be Used, Duplicated, Reproduced, Manipulated, Posted, Copied, Distributed In Printed Or Electronic Form Without Prior Written Permission From The Owner /Creator Of

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